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VB6 Training Kolkata

Visual Basic Training Outline

Your First Visual Basic Program
Welcome to Visual Basic
A Simple Project
Using the Application Wizard

Adding Controls to Forms
Visual Basic Controls
Creating and Manipulating New Controls
Changing Design Time Control Properties
Visual Basic Built-in Controls
Control Design Tips

Understanding Events
Introducing Events
Event Procedures
The Form Load Event
The Form Resize Event
Command Button Click Event
Text Box Change Event
The Timer Control’s Timer Event
GotFocus/LostFocus Events
Is There More?

Working with Forms and Controls
Setting Properties at Run Time
Setting Form Properties
Setting Control Properties
Using ActiveX Controls
Creating and Using Menus

Handling Errors
Handling Syntax Errors
Handling Run-Time Errors

More Form and Control Issues
Using Multiple Forms
List Boxes Revisited
Control Arrays

Adding Simple Database Support
Support for Data Access in Visual Basic 6.0
Using the ADO Data Control
Binding Controls to Data
Writing Code for the Data Control

Managing Data with ADO
What Is ADO?
Getting Started with ADO
The ADO Object Hierarchy
The ADO Connection Object
Working with Recordset Properties and Methods
The Command Object
Updating Recordset Data

ADO and Unbound Forms
Displaying Data on the Form
Changing Data on the Form
Finding Data on the Form
Using a Default Recordset
Maintaining State Information

Using User Interface Data Tools
What Is Wrong with the ADO Data Control?
Taking Advantage of the Data Environment
The Hierarchical FlexGrid Control
Creating Reports in Visual Basic

Using Form Modules
What Is a Form? Adding Form Methods
Adding Form Properties
Implementing Dialog Boxes
Creating Multiple Instances of a Form
Life Cycle of a Form

Creating MDI Applications
What Is MDI?
Creating an MDI Application
Working with MDI Applications
Using Windows Common Controls
Optimizing Visual Basic Programs

Course Fee

• One time fee: Rs.6000
• Installment fee: Rs.7000 (Rs.3500 each in 2 installments)

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