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MySQL Training Kolkata

Course Outline Introduction Features and Benefits of MySQL MySQL Architecture Install and Start MySQL Database Basics Data Types What is NULL? SQL Language Keys Normalization Database Creation Creating a Database Creating a Table Basic Queries The SELECT Command MySQL Query Browser Delete/Modify Table row Data The INSERT Command The REPLACE Command The UPDATE Statement The […]

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VB6 Training Kolkata

Visual Basic Training Outline Your First Visual Basic Program Welcome to Visual Basic A Simple Project Using the Application Wizard Adding Controls to Forms Visual Basic Controls Creating and Manipulating New Controls Changing Design Time Control Properties Visual Basic Built-in Controls Control Design Tips Understanding Events Introducing Events Event Procedures The Form Load Event The […]

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C++ Training Kolkata

Course Outline: 1: Getting Started 2: The Parts of a C++ Program 3: Variables and Constants 4: Expressions and Statements 5: Functions 6: Basic Classes 7: More Program Flow 8: Manipulate memory 9: References 10: Advanced Functions 11: Arrays 12: Inheritance 13: Polymorphism 14: Special Classes and Functions 15: Advanced Inheritance 16: Manage input and […]

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C Training Kolkata

Course Outline: 1: Getting Started 2: Components of a C Program 3: Variables and Constants 4: Expressions and Operators 5: Basic Functions 6: Basic Program Control 7: Basic Input/Output 8: Arrays 9: Pointers 10: Characters and Strings 11: Structures 12: Variable Scope 13: More Program Control 14: Working with Screen Printer and Keyboard 15: Manipulating […]

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DBMS Training Kolkata

Database Management System (DBMS) 1.Introduction 2.Identifying Keys in Tables 3.E R diagrams 4.Data types 5.Events 6.Data dictionary 7.Integrity 8.Converting E R diagrams to normalized tables 9.Normalization Structure Query Language (SQL) 1.Query Basics 2.Computation with queries 3.Sub totals and Group by command 4.Queries with multiples 5.Sub queries 6.Join 7.DDL and DML 8.Testing queries Course Fee • […]

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Java For School Student

This Java course is specially designed for school students who have java as a subject in his/her curriculum. This Java course will cover the following topics: • Introduction to Programming in General • Why Java became so popular • Concepts of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) • How these concepts are implemented in Java • Some […]

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Advance Java Training

Advance Java Syllabus: Subject   No Of Class Type Introduction to J2EE 1 Theory MVC , 1 Theory JSP,Servlet 1 Theory LOGIN SYSTEM USING THEORY JDBC 1 Practical  Script let 1 Theory  JSTL 1 Theory Custom tags 2 Theory Introduction to ORM tool HQL,Object mapping 3 Theory/ Practical Web Service / RMI 3 Theory/ Practical […]

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Core Java Training

Topics which will be covered and the number of classes which will be required to do the same are stated in the table below. CORE JAVA: Contents at a Glance Introduction ■Why Java? ■Features of Java Language. ■JVM –The heart of Java ■Java’s Magic Bytecode OOPs Concept ■Class Fundamentals. ■Object & Object reference ■Object Life […]

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Basic Computer Training

Computer Basic Course Syllabus Fundamentals of Computer: 1. Introduction 2. Input / Output & Processing (CPU) 3. Memory Device 4. Types of computers 5. History & Generation of Computer 6. Applications of Computer Fundamental of operating System: 1. Windows XP Overview 2. Desktop & Control Panel Settings 3. Ms. Paint 4. Accessories & Multimedia Application […]

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Data Structure Training

Data structure is a structure by which we can manipulate the data or information in a systematic way in a less time. Computer is a machine with full of information. Data structure is needed to control huge amount of data. The students from Computer Science, Information Technologies, and Computer Applications need to know about the […]

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